Blake “The Brain” Saunders: Learn & Grow from your Failures

Blake “The Brain” Saunders is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and owner and creative director of Dover, DE-based Front Street Video Productions. Over the past five years, Blake has become one of the top creative wedding cinematographers on the East Coast.

Saunders describes himself as a “true entrepreneur” who has had his share of failures, but says his growth from those failures led to the creation of the ‘Failure Is Dope’ campaign, which he talked about as the keynote speaker at the 2020 iLead Virtual Student Leadership Conference.


What You Hope People Will Take from the Session/Event:

  • They are their greatest resource to achieve any goals they have for themselves.

  • Building authentic relationships is the key for actual networking success. 

What’s the biggest problem facing millennials?

I believe the biggest problem is the fear of being different. They want to fit in rather than stand out by being true to who they really are. [Not sure the second sentence is necessary. 

What’s the question you wish more people would ask themselves?

Why not me? Why can’t I be my own inspiration?

What’s the last book that blew you away (and why)?

The Best Advice I Ever Got” by Katie Couric. It showed me that my instincts and feelings about life are right on point. Trust them!


When was the first time you realized you had the power of change or the power to do something meaningful?

The first time I spoke to the entire freshmen class of Delaware State University, there were students who wanted to ask me more questions after I spoke. I then realized I had the power to change and do something meaningful.


What advice would you give your younger self?

During my senior year of high school, I was given the advice of “go for it! Shoot your shot at life, kid!”


When you feel overwhelmed, distracted, or lose your focus, what do you do?

I go to the movies and turn my brain off from the world. I love to be fully immersed in a movie, so the aspects of the movie like the small details of the writing get my undivided attention.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten (and who was it from)?

“Stop thinking ‘realistically.’ It’s the most traveled road to being average.” - Will Smith


What’s your go-to mantra for difficult times?

Failure Is Dope. I created the campaign for a reason!


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